Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Walking the Edge

I don't know about you, but I'm sick of all that medical advisory chain letter crap. You know, something like:

Scientists have discovered that the chemical Shitlolwtfomine, a major component of many various canned sardine products like Ligo, Mega, 555, I-can't-believe-it's-not-sardines-no-really-it-is can cause cancer. Pass this message to your friends, family, and loved ones, and warn them and save their lives.

Bull. Shit.

People apparently have no idea that life is one huge risk. When you wake up every morning, just be glad that you're still alive. Did you know that directly injecting the nicotine in one pack of cigarettes will instantly kill you? Did you know that whenever you take a breath, you also inhale various natural toxins in the air? Apart from the man-made ones.

Did you know people can stop breathing and die in their sleep? That you get more radiation from walking under the hot summer sun for an hour than the amount you get when you're X-rayed? That you get more bacteria from a paper bill than from a hospital? For that matter, that millions of bacteria invade your body every day?

How about the fact that a lot of processed products contain cancer-causing chemicals, which causes tumors in rats, when they are given a dose that is at least a thousand times more than what was in the food?

Many people overestimate some risks and not give enough attention to others. America spends more money cleaning up toxic waste dumps that may save a few hundred lives than breast cancer, which claims hundreds of thousands more. People are more concerned about flying in a plane than driving a car. Guess which mode of transport causes more deaths.

If you say airplanes, I will have to shove a ten-foot brass pole down your throat.

People are even more afraid of nuclear power plants than car crashes. The chances of a well-maintained nuclear power plant malfunctioning plus causing a meltdown is much much lower than driving down a dark street at night.

Does this mean it's okay to throw caution to the wind? No. You still have to take care of yourself and your health. Just keep in mind that you are at a constant risk your entire life. There are times when you just say, "Heck with it. Nobody lives forever."

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm thirsty. A long swig from the bathroom tap ought to cure that. Distilled water? Bah.

1 comment:


A certain level of exposure is required for immunity. Notice how amebiasis is quickly become sickness of the rich.