Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I rise again.

It's been a while since I last posted. A lot of changes have happened in my life, and let's say that I'm well on the way to becoming a productive person again. I feel more useful when I'm busy, and, well, I'm really busy. Mostly because of studies and writing. Yes, I finally have a life. And it's driving me nuts.

Anyway, I talked a bit with a friend of mine about my blog, and he suggested that I feature H-games here. My unique way of perceiving them, as an art form and a way to explore the human mind, might make people look at them in a different light, he said.

Let's get one thing straight: I don't get off on playing H-games. I'll detail exactly why in my next post, but H-games never fell under the 'fappable' section for me, because of the very first one I played. I know a lot of guys (and girls) who use it to get off, but it never worked for me. I have played stuff that was pure fap material (Do You Like Horny Bunnies comes to mind) but I prefer ones charged with emotion and story.

In the next few posts, I'll detail my recommendations without spoiling too much. Don't worry, I'll only recommend the English ones. I can't provide too many pictures since I've already uninstalled most of them. Hopefully, it will inspire others to play these games not for the adult content, but for the story. As for where to get the games, use google. Or if you know my YM ID, ask me. (I'm not putting it here. Ask redkinoko or something.) Or if you know me and my friends' IRC channel, drop by. I can't guarantee that I'll answer right away, though.

I'll also recommend some non-adult titles, normal visual novels, so you'll have something to play even if your little sister is breathing down your neck. Seriously, she likes to do that.

And for the thousandth time (you know who you are), I'm a guy. Just because I like cute things doesn't mean that I have a vagina. I'm also as straight as an arrow, thanks. So stop asking me out.


Friday, February 02, 2007

After a while...

Yeah, I know it's been a long time since I last put anything here. I've been busy with a lot of things. And I really don't have anything interesting to say lately. Life's been so-so.

After redkinoko's entry on hospitals (and the old guy), I was reminded of a recent weird incident with my grandmother. She apparently chased one of our maids with a large knife after announcing her intent to take a short vacation.

I mean, seriously, that was messed up. I love my grandmother and all, but she's been acting weirder and weirder. Oh, the thought that Manila is just a few blocks from my home in Laguna can be ignored. She stopped trying to walk or take a tricycle there a few months back. The tantrums at least once a week about her not being loved by anyone or someone saying something nasty to her even though it didn't really happen, that passes after a day or two.

But the knife. She could have seriously hurt someone with it. If I had any say in the matter, this would be a good time to give her medication. Preferably the knock-out kind. But that won't fly with my parents anyway.

So I'll just continue to endure whatever she does. It's what you do for your loved ones, after all.